

The Forever Young Photofacial is a broadband light
treatment that is used to restore a more youthful appearance.

IPL Photofacial

WHAT IS IT IPL Photofacial?

The Forever Young Photofacial is a broadband light treatment that is used to restore a more youthful appearance.  Using broadband light, sun-damaged skin, red spots, brown spots, and age spots are targeted and reduced or eliminated.  The result is skin with improved texture, decreased fine lines, decreased pore size, and improvement in fine lines.  In combination with a microdermabrasion, remarkable results can be seen in a few short weeks.  And a series of 3-6 treatments is usually recommended.

The Forever Young BBL photofacial treatment is the most powerful IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) device on the market. Areas which can be treated include the face, neck, arms, hands, décolletage, back and legs.